Our Databases are available 24/7. Below are some of our most popular Databases:
Not finding what you are looking for? Try our complete list of A-Z Databases.
This Fall 2022 Semester, the library is offering a new online OneSearch Library Catalog Tutorial. The tutorial is available in our library catalog, in many of our library research guides, and on our library website.
Upon completion of the OneSearch Library Catalog Tutorial, library patrons should be able to:
1. Find the OneSearch online library catalog.
2. Search for and locate books and e-books, videos, articles, digital media, and more in the library's collection.
3. Request items from other LACCD libraries.
At the end of the tutorial, there is a short online quiz, which provides users feedback.
The library has many databases that contain eBooks. This tutorial shows a step-by-step process for finding eBooks using our Primo OneSearch catalog.
Additionally, we have a number of eBook collections listed below:
View a complete list of our online research guides. This is where librarians have gathered subject specific lists of databases and other helpful research tips for you. These guides also include help with citation styles.
Free access to Microsoft Office Suite
WLAC students have free access to Microsoft products through the district portal:
1. Login to the portal with your LACCD credentials.
2. Click on "Mail" button and confirm your login.
3. Your online apps will show, but if you want to download Word or PowerPoint to your computer to work offline, click on the "Install Office" button on the top-right
Online media options:
LA County Library offers access to films and documentaries through a variety of platforms. A library card is required.
LA Public Library E-Media and Digital Content. The LA Public Library offers access to many films and documentaries through a variety of platforms. A library card is required.