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Political Science

This is a research guide for political science classes to aid in your research.

OneSearch Library Catalog Tutorial

OneSearch Library Catalog Tutorial

This Fall 2022 Semester, the library is offering a new online OneSearch Library Catalog Tutorial.  The tutorial is available in our library catalog, in many of our library research guides, and on our library website.


Upon completion of the OneSearch Library Catalog Tutorial, library patrons should be able to:

1. Find the OneSearch online library catalog.

2. Search for and locate books and e-books, videos, articles, digital media, and more in the library's collection.

3. Request items from other LACCD libraries.


At the end of the tutorial, there is a short online quiz, which provides users feedback.

ProQuest Video Tutorial

Recommended Databases

ProQuest is one of our most popular databases. It covers a wide range of disciplines with content from academic journals, magazines, newspapers and more. This would be a great place to search for current events information.


Opposing Viewpoints in Context examines controversial issues and hot topics from different perspectives. It's also very handy for browsing research paper topics!


Similar to Opposing Viewpoints, CQ Researcher also analyzes the pros and cons of a large selection of current topics. 


Gale Virtual Reference Library consists of many specialized encyclopedias and is ideal for finding a basic overview of topics. Encyclopedic information that you would find in this database is not updated as current as information from newspapers and magazines you'd find in ProQuest but it's a good place to start understanding your topic. 


Choosing a Topic

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Susan Trujillo