I'd like to sign up and experiment with ChatGPT and/or GPT-3. How do I do that?
ChatGPT: https://chat.openai.com/auth/login
GPT-3: https://beta.openai.com/overview
ChatGPT FAQ Page: https://help.openai.com/en/articles/6783457-chatgpt-faq
What is ChatGPT?
Does ChatGPT claim its answers are correct?
It aims for that but there are 3 disclaimers prominently displayed on the site:
1. May occasionally generate incorrect information
2. May occasionally produce harmful instructions or biased content
3. Limited knowledge of world and events after 2021
Many discussions are taking place right now among college educators re: questions, answers and ideas about this new phenomenon and how to deal with it. Take your seat at the table by getting involved in the wider discussion in the higher ed community! :-)
Be sure to look at the "How Other C&Us Are Addressing ChatGPT" tab, as there is a great deal of overlap.
You can include as few or as many of these various formula elements as you like.
“Write a [#] word/sentence [type of writing] on [topic] that [command] [subtopic].”
“Write a 600 word news article on information literacy that highlights higher education.”
“Write a poem about Elon Musk in the style of Dr. Seuss.”
“Explain how quantum computing works so that a high schooler could understand it.”
The *thing* you want ChatGPT to do for you
highlights explains describes |
focuses on exemplifies paraphrase |
incorporates summarizes simplify |
You can ask ChatGPT follow up questions about your current chat. For example...
...If it gives a list of something, you can refer to that list and ask it to expand on, say, item #3.
Ex. "Can you give an example of #3." OR "Can you give examples of the last two?"
...If you'd like the first response to be modified in some way. (ie. written at the level of a highs school sophomore, use simple wording, etc. - also, see Paraphrasing)
Ex. "Rewrite at a high school sophomore level." OR "Rewrite using simpler language."
ChatGPT can paraphrase and simplify text.
In the prompt, tell ChatGPT to "paraphrase" or "simplify" the following text, including a colon; then copy-and-paste the text you're working with.
Ex. Paraphrase and simplify the following text in ~250 words: [copy-and-paste the text here]
ChatGPT can create a properly structured outline.
Ex. "Write an outline that deals with the pros and cons of defunding the police."
Flexible Phrasing
The syntax of your prompt does not necessarily have to be heavily structured and formulaic; you can use a normal conversational, even casual, tone.
Ex. "Got any creative ideas for a 10 year old's birthday?"
Use of Adjectives
You can tell it to write a sad story, or a satirical poem or a nerdy joke.
“Write a satirical poem about Elon Musk in the style of Dr. Seuss.”
The Real Danger Of ChatGPT, Dec 30, 2022
"Language is how human beings understand themselves and the world but writing is how we understand uniquely. Not to write is to live according to the language of others or worse, to live through edits tweaks and embellishments to language generated by an overconfident AI chatbot."
Cheating With ChatGPT: Can OpenAI’s Chatbot Pass AP Lit? | WSJ, Dec 21, 2022
ChatGPT, OpenAI’s new artificially intelligent chatbot, can write essays on complex topics. WSJ’s Joanna Stern went back to high school AP Literature for a day to see if she could pass the class using just AI.
Can AI replace Professors? | AI and the Future of Education, Dec 13, 2022
The platform that’s getting a lot of attention right now is chat GPT, a version of AI that’s optimised for conversational dialogue. I’m going to put it to the test and ask chat GPT the questions I would ask myself when preparing for a new semester of teaching. Here's what I found.
AI and the Future of the Essay, Dec 6, 2022
All of us have been watching developments in artificial intelligence, and especially the advances being made by "large language models" with some concern (what we end up describing as "fear and excitement" throughout the discussion).
What might ChatGPT mean for higher education?, Dec 15, 2022
In this special Future Trends Forum session we'll collectively explore this new technology. How does the chatbot work? How might it reshape academic writing? Does it herald an age of AI transforming society, or is it really BS?
With the Assistant in our OneSearch catalog, you can explore academic content by asking questions in natural language.
Search in English: English Assistant
Search in Spanish: Asistente
The Assistant is a tool powered by Generative Artificial Intelligence (specifically, Large Language Models or LLM). It allows you explore academic content by asking questions in natural language. The tool uses most of the content found in your library to identify five documents that can help answer your question. It then extracts the most relevant information from the description/abstracts of each source to write the answer. Below the answer, you’ll see the sources used to generate it along with in-line citations that let you clearly see which source was used to generate each part in the answer. Use these sources to delve deeper into the topic and to fact check the responses from the tool.
The Assistant is not a replacement for human expertise but uses artificial intelligence to automate otherwise time-consuming tasks. We’ve designed the Assistant make it easier to understand topics, their context, and resources published about it. Use the “view more results in your library search” button to find more documents relevant to your question. Click the AI-generated “related research questions” to explore topics similar to your question.
Your question is converted into a query that the search engine understands with the help of a Large Language Model (currently GPT 4o-mini). The search engine then identifies the most relevant documents in the index. It ranks them according to how well they can answer the question and, again with the help of the Large Language Model, creates an answer from the top 5 sources.
Due to the nature of Large Language Models, answers to the same question are not always the same. There may be more than one possible answer and different resources that are relevant. If you are not satisfied with your answers, use the “Try again” button.
To make the most of the Assistant, it's essential to ask clear and detailed questions about academic or scientific topics. Be as specific as possible and phrase your query in the form of a question. Example queries can be found on the starting screen.
The Primo Research Assistant supports local language searches. Most material in our index is in English. If you ask a question in another language than English, the Assistant will search in both, your local language and English, and write the answer in the language of your question. Note that there is a dependency on the Large Language Model and language support may vary.
Some instructions are not currently supported by the Assistant, like requests for materials of a particular type (e.g. “give me peer reviewed articles about bird migration”) or from a certain time period (e.g. “give me the newest research on climate change”). You will still receive an answer when including these instructions and the ranking algorithm will take keywords like “peer-reviewed” into account, but the tool will not filter content by type or date.
The Assistant does not yet support follow-up questions. Each question stands by itself. For example, if you ask “what topics did Simone de Beauvoir write about”, you cannot follow up by asking “and what is the content of that work” and expect the system to understand what you mean. At this time, you will have to include all relevant information in each question, e.g. “what is the content of Beauvoir’s The Second Sex"?