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I'd like to sign up and experiment with ChatGPT and/or GPT-3. How do I do that?


ChatGPT FAQ Page:


What is ChatGPT?



Does ChatGPT claim its answers are correct?

It aims for that but there are 3 disclaimers prominently displayed on the site:

1. May occasionally generate incorrect information
2. May occasionally produce harmful instructions or biased content
3. Limited knowledge of world and events after 2021 


Discussion in the Higher-Ed Community

List of online groups discussing this topic

Many discussions are taking place right now among college educators re: questions, answers and ideas about this new phenomenon and how to deal with it. Take your seat at the table by getting involved in the wider discussion in the higher ed community! :-)


Potential Issues, Questions to Discuss

  • If / How to address ChatGPT in one's course syllabus
    • ie. Academic Integrity
  • Does policy need to be developed addressing ChatGPT?
    If so, on what level?
    • college?
    • departmental?
    • Individual faculty make their own policies?
  • If students do manage to use ChatGPT in their work, how might that impact our ability to meaningfully conduct Assessment activities?
  • How might/should we change/adjust our prompts for writing/discussions?  

How Other College and Universities Are Addressing ChatGPT

ChatGPT Detectors & Tips

Revised Lesson Plans & Assignments

Ideas for Restructuring and Revising Course Design and Assignments

Be sure to look at the "How Other C&Us Are Addressing ChatGPT" tab, as there is a great deal of overlap.  

A Few More Things to Know About ChatGPT




You can include as few or as many of these various formula elements as you like. 

  • # of words/sentences in response
  • Type of writing (essay, news article, outline, blog post, story, social media post, poem, etc.)
  • Specific content response command
  • in the style of...(ie. a particular writer)
  • at/on the level of...(accomplishes the same thing as, say, a Lexile score. Exs. "like I'm 5 years old" "so that a high schooler can understand." 
  • Examples

“Write a [#] word/sentence [type of writing] on [topic] that [command] [subtopic].”

“Write a 600 word news article on information literacy that highlights higher education.”

“Write a poem about Elon Musk in the style of Dr. Seuss.”

“Explain how quantum computing works so that a high schooler could understand it.”


The *thing* you want ChatGPT to do for you

focuses on

You can ask ChatGPT follow up questions about your current chat. 
For example...

...If it gives a list of something, you can refer to that list and ask it to expand on, say, item #3. 
        Ex. "Can you give an example of #3."   OR   "Can you give examples of the last two?"

...If you'd like the first response to be modified in some way. (ie. written at the level of a highs school sophomore, use simple wording, etc. - also, see Paraphrasing)
        Ex. "Rewrite at a high school sophomore level."   OR    "Rewrite using simpler language."



ChatGPT can paraphrase and simplify text.
In the prompt, tell ChatGPT to "paraphrase" or "simplify" the following text, including a colon; then copy-and-paste the text you're working with. 

Ex. Paraphrase and simplify the following text in ~250 words: [copy-and-paste the text here]


ChatGPT can create a properly structured outline. 

Ex. "Write an outline that deals with the pros and cons of defunding the police."


Flexible Phrasing
The syntax of your prompt does not necessarily have to be heavily structured and formulaic; you can use a normal conversational, even casual, tone.

Ex. "Got any creative ideas for a 10 year old's birthday?"  

Use of Adjectives
You can tell it to write a sad story, or a satirical poem or a nerdy joke.

“Write a satirical poem about Elon Musk in the style of Dr. Seuss.”

Videos and Podcasts


The Real Danger Of ChatGPT, Dec 30, 2022
"Language is how human beings understand themselves and the world but writing is how we understand uniquely. Not to write is to live according to the language of others or worse, to live through edits tweaks and embellishments to language generated by an overconfident AI chatbot."


Cheating With ChatGPT: Can OpenAI’s Chatbot Pass AP Lit? | WSJ, Dec 21, 2022
ChatGPT, OpenAI’s new artificially intelligent chatbot, can write essays on complex topics. WSJ’s Joanna Stern went back to high school AP Literature for a day to see if she could pass the class using just AI. 


Can AI replace Professors? | AI and the Future of Education, Dec 13, 2022
The platform that’s getting a lot of attention right now is chat GPT, a version of AI that’s optimised for conversational dialogue. I’m going to put it to the test and ask chat GPT the questions I would ask myself when preparing for a new semester of teaching. Here's what I found. 


AI and the Future of the Essay, Dec 6, 2022
All of us have been watching developments in artificial intelligence, and especially the advances being made by "large language models" with some concern (what we end up describing as "fear and excitement" throughout the discussion).


What might ChatGPT mean for higher education?, Dec 15, 2022
In this special Future Trends Forum session we'll collectively explore this new technology.  How does the chatbot work? How might it reshape academic writing?  Does it herald an age of AI transforming society, or is it really BS?




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