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WLAC ZTC Implementation Grants

Requirements for grant recipients

  • STEP 1: Notify your Division that you will receive the grant funds
  • STEP 2: Meet with Ryan Edwards (WLAC ZTC Degree Grant Coordinator/OER Librarian) and Miryan Nogueira (OER/DL Accessibility Specialist) to select OER resources, develop a timeline of deliverables, impact data, and accessibility guidelines (all deliverables must be accessible).
  • STEP 3: Make sure that your selected OER resources meet your course student learning objectives (SLOs)
  • STEP 4. Check the licenses of your OER resources and share your work with an appropriate open license so that others can easily adopt and reuse (Open Licenses Step by Step).
  • STEP 5: Check to see if OER materials have a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) at LACCD
    • if no, contact publisher to request VPAT and complete the first two pages of the LACCD Accessibility and Alternate Access Plan Request form (the district will review your OER materials and plan alternative ways for users to access non-accessible content; the turn-around time is 3-9 weeks.  Once LACCD approves your Equally Effective Alternate Access Plan (EEAAP), go to Step 6.
  • STEP 6: Work with the Distance Learning Office to place your OER material(s) in Canvas
  • STEP 7: Check your Canvas pages using PopeTech and the built-in Canvas accessibility checker
  • STEP 8: Report your OER adoption to your campus store before the deadline for reporting.

In addition, you will need to teach at least one section of your course with OER instead of copyright course materials, starting the Fall 2025 Semester. If you can’t guarantee that you’ll be teaching before June 30, 2025, you must identify a teaching partner in advance who will commit to using the open materials if your section doesn’t run.  You will also need to publicize your work by providing the WLAC ZTC Degree Grant Team with press-worthy updates, presenting in webinars, workshops, and professional meetings, or giving a presentation to your department colleagues.