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Business 1 (Gossett)

Research : How To Write a Business Plan

Formatting Your Paper

Click on the links below for information about writing research papers including the research process and how to format your papers.

  • APA Style Guide
    APA Style Research Guide.

  • OWL at Purdue (MLA)
    View a sample paper and see samples of sources formatted in the MLA citation style as well as a sample MLA-formatted paper. 

  • OWL at Purdue (APA)
    View a sample paper and see samples of sources formatted in the APA citation style as well as a sample APA-formatted paper. 

  • Steps to Writing a Research Paper 
    Learn about the research process and appropriate resources for the different types of papers.

Organizing and Citing Your Sources

Citation Tools

  • BibMe 
    This is a fully automatic bibliography maker that auto-fills: MLA, APA, Chicago, Turabian
  • Citation Builder 
    This is a web-based tool designed to quickly and easily generate citations for sources consulted during the research process.
  • KnightCite 
    MLA, APA, Chicago
  • Son of Citation Machine 
    APA, MLA, Turabian, Chicago
Citation Managers 
  • Mendeley 
    This reference manager and academic social network can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research.
  • Zotero 
    This is easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources. Zotero is available as an add-on for Firefox only.

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