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English 101 - Herdzina

Native American Indian resources-emphasis on currency.

OneSearch Library Catalog Tutorial

OneSearch Library Catalog Tutorial

This Fall 2022 Semester, the library is offering a new online OneSearch Library Catalog Tutorial.  The tutorial is available in our library catalog, in many of our library research guides, and on our library website.


Upon completion of the OneSearch Library Catalog Tutorial, library patrons should be able to:

1. Find the OneSearch online library catalog.

2. Search for and locate books and e-books, videos, articles, digital media, and more in the library's collection.

3. Request items from other LACCD libraries.


At the end of the tutorial, there is a short online quiz, which provides users feedback.

ProQuest Video Tutorial

ENG 101- Native Americans: A Few of the Potentially Useful Article Databases

Find audio and video works, blogs, podcasts, conference papers and proceedings, dissertations and theses, historical papers, reports, scholarly journals and more in the library’s subscription databases:



“American Indians”, “Indians of North America”, "indigenous people", Lakota, “Native Americans”, Sioux (or any tribal name)

exploitation, "hate crimes", housing, joblessness, "land rights" "mass incarceration", "mass imprisonment", "mineral rights", "natural resources", pipeline, poverty, "property rights", "seizure N/3 land" (Proquest), "violence against children", "violence against women", "voting AND access*", "water rights", "water security"


ENG 101- Native Americans: Examples of Digital Book Resources

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ENG 101- Native Americans: Examples of Print Resources

"Native American"--"a member of any of the aboriginal peoples of the western hemisphere; especially :  a Native American of North America and especially the United States — compare american indian"--Merrium-Webster Online Dictionary

WLAC Library: In print: