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OER Print on Demand

How can faculty request Print on Demand copies?

Step 1: Check if your OER course materials are eligible for Print on Demand:

Faculty checklist for OER course materials & WLAC Bookstore’s Print on Demand services
Types of OER materials Examples Can the WLAC Bookstore print and distribute these materials?
Textbooks or other materials openly licensed with any kind or mixture of Creative Commons licenses

Look at the title or copyright page(s) for open licenses, such as:

● Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)

● Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike (CC BY SA)

● Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial (CC BY NC)

● Creative Commons Attribution NoDerivatives (CC BY ND)

● Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike (CC BY NC SA)

● Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial NoDerivatives (CC BY NC ND)

➢ Review Copyright & licensing on the OER LibGuide

✅ Yes

Submit this PoD Request Form
Textbooks or any materials in the Public Domain

Look at the title or copyright page(s) for:

  • Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

  • Publication date of 1926 or earlier

➢ Review Copyright & licensing on the OER LibGuide

✅ Yes

Submit this PoD Request Form

Step 2: Fill out a submission form for Print on Demand:

Bookstore Print on Demand (PoD) Submission Form

Complete and submit this online Print on Demand Submission Form.
NOTE: It may take a few days and back-and-forth communication between faculty and Bookstore staff, with follow-up questions to determine and finalize faculty needs for their PoD submissions.

This content was adopted and adapted from Tacoma Community College's OER Print on Demand libguide.