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Child Development

Books for Child Development are located in sections HQ 767–792C in the Library's collection.

Child Development

The Child Development program is designed for students who are interested in working with young children. The program centers on continuing experiences in a wide variety of preschool settings and will also meet the needs of persons who are currently employed in pre-school centers, but who want to increase their professional skills. Students in the Child Development program strive to gain a deep understanding of the total development and potential of young children. The Child Development Program serves those entering and currently employed in the rapidly expanding field of Early Childhood Education. Students will be prepared to teach in pre-school programs, including private schools, children’s centers, Head Start programs, parent cooperatives and parochial schools, as well as serving as educational aides in elementary schools. The Child Development Program at West Los Angeles College prepares those individuals that are interested in opening their own Child Care facility. The program also benefits anyone interested in understanding children, their development, and their behavior.



OneSearch Library Catalog Tutorial

OneSearch Library Catalog Tutorial

This Fall 2022 Semester, the library is offering a new online OneSearch Library Catalog Tutorial.  The tutorial is available in our library catalog, in many of our library research guides, and on our library website.


Upon completion of the OneSearch Library Catalog Tutorial, library patrons should be able to:

1. Find the OneSearch online library catalog.

2. Search for and locate books and e-books, videos, articles, digital media, and more in the library's collection.

3. Request items from other LACCD libraries.


At the end of the tutorial, there is a short online quiz, which provides users feedback.

Library Catalog

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Early Literacy

Early Literacy



  • Say and encourage children to hear and say animal sounds and environmental sounds
  • Ask open-minded questions and allow time for children to formulate a response
  • Encourage children to talk about concepts (color, shape, texture, etc) and tell stories
  • Point out signs and labels, text that represents a known object


  • Singing slows down language so children can hear the smaller sounds in words
  • Sing songs that highlight letters, numbers, and shapes, such as BINGO and the alphabet song
  • Say nursery rhymes, fill in the rhyming word


  • Share reading time every day
  • Encourage babies to enjoy books, even if it means chewing on them!
  • Have children tell you about the book you are reading with them- ask questions
  • Let your child choose their own books -silly and funny are ok. Reading should be FUN, not a CHORE


  • Draw a picture on an animal- what sound does it make?
  • Practice writing the child's name and sounding out the letters
  • Have children draw pictures for a story and write down what they say about it
  • Have children "write" their own lists, cards, and stories


  • Play "I Spy" - for example, something red that rhymes with___ or starts with the sound ____ .
  • Add words and descriptions to the words children use as they play
  • Play matching games and with blocks and puzzles. These provide opportunities to sort and categorize
  • Role play and dramatic play helps children develop background knowledge and solve problems

Some of the (Many) Books Located at the Circulation Desk (2 hr. Reserve)